Saturday, August 30, 2014

Why 4GB of RAM is too few for little dev

After a long struggle to get OpenJDK7, the AndroidSDK, Android Studio and git all working together ...

I could finally build AcDisplay's debug flavour succesfully. All i can say is that my 'old' ASUS K52JT is a little too weak to do this more often : 

Acdisplay is a really small app that doesn't need much resources to run on the android device, but building needs lots of RAM!

Thanks to Artem for his help to get this working and for the app itself!

Here is a newbie-friendly script to automate git syncing to be run in ~/AcDisplay folder : 

#Syncing script to be run in ~/AcDisplay folder 
git fetch AcDisplay 
git merge AcDisplay/master 
echo "done succesfully" 
sleep 10